Monday, January 24, 2011


Shelley wanted me to start blogging,(so here goes!). She started a couple of years ago and talked Becky into doing the same. I'm so thankful she did, Becky's blogs has gave those of us that followed them many smiles, laughter, chuckles and even tears. I miss Mom and Becky more than I can say, it is still hard for me to realize that they are not living in their little houses that they loved. Mom lived in hers for over 60yrs. but Becky only got to live in hers a short time compared to Mom, but I don't think she loved hers any less. Their houses was Home to them both. With Mom its like Shelley said, I feel like I have misplaced her somewhere, it is much harder to let her go than I ever imagined. With Becky it is just so hard to know that I won't be hearing her say( hey, Aunt Quack ) or hear her beauitful laughter hear on earth again. Dad, Mom, Tom and Becky, love and miss you all.


It was in the early fifty's they moved to the farm
the house on the left of a branch, to the right a barn.
Dad, Mom and four boys made a family of six
in a little while a baby girl was born to the mix.
Two years later the last little girl arrived on date
making the Brown's of Raccoon a family of eight.
Dad taught us all to be honest and to work the land
Mom showed us kids how to cook, churn and can.
In the hollows and woods we did hunt, play and roam
always before dark we made our way back home.
Sled rides, hide and seek, climbing tier poles at night
baseball, jacks, marbles, leapfrog and corn cob fights.
Plenty of cuts. scrapes and bruises brought many tears
that Mom cleaned and kissed, for us kids she held dear.
All married now with familes and homes of their own
passing on the family traditions' like Dad and Mom done.
Lots of love, laughter, happiness, joy, hurts and tears
was found in the Brown family home over the years.
Dad, Mom, Tom and Becky gone to their heavenly reward
being with them and God is what we are working toward.
The home place on Rt. 2 as "ours" someday may be gone
but blogs, pictures, memories and love will always live on.

                                                                    Love you all!